仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

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Baby Snacks in the UK

Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talk(ティーアンドトーク)です!

今日のWhat's New? by Sayuriは、Baby Snacks in the UK!


また、お気に入りのスーパー(in the US)についても書いています。



I always like to go to supermarkets when I’m overseas. I don’t know why, but I just like it. My favourite foreign supermarket is Trader Joe’s, which is in the US. It is an interesting store because they don’t sell branded items which means they sell their home-brand products and some local fresh vegetables.

Anyway, I enjoyed looking at many kinds of baby items in the supermarket this time we visited the UK.

Just as you can get 肉じゃが、カレー、オムライス for babies and toddlers in Japan, you can get fish pie, cottage pie, and Indian curry for babies and toddlers in the UK.  I thought it was interesting to see miniature food culture in baby meals.


In the photo, you can see the carrot cake soft oats bar, gingerbread men and animal shaped biscuits. Carrot cake, oat bars, ginger biscuits and regular biscuits are popular snacks for grownups too in the UK. I tried the baby ones and they were quite tasty. I was surprised how many spices I could taste, such as cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, even though they are for babies. Our son also enjoyed them all, especially the gingerbread men. He enjoyed biting their heads, arms and legs! Ouch!




今回の文で登場した I don’t know why, but I just like it


英会話レッスン中に Why do you like it? と尋ねられて、特に理由が見つからないなあ〜なんていう時ありませんか?

そんな時は、I don't know...というだけでなく、but I just like it. と加えると相手が次の会話に繋げやすくなりますよ◎ 






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