仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

Welcome to our blog! 仙台・大町にあるイギリス人オーナーの小さな英会話スクールです。スクールのこと、英語のこと、イギリスのことなどを書いていきます。


Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talk(ティーアンドトーク)です!


One of our students told us that Afternoon Tea Bakery had been having some British food. We knew that they sometimes have Hot Cross Buns, but at the moment they have more varieties of British bread! They were all delicious! 

Have you tried them yet? Our recommendation is their sausage rolls. British sausages are bit different from the ones in Japan, but Afternoon Tea Bakery's sausage rolls are quite close to the ones you'd find in the UK!



This British bread fair is for a limited time, so you should check it out soon! 



- Sayuri





仙台の小さな英会話スクール | Tea&Talk | 青葉区大町

LINE  @dmd4883c をID検索!

✉︎ teatalksendai@gmail.com