仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

Welcome to our blog! 仙台・大町にあるイギリス人オーナーの小さな英会話スクールです。スクールのこと、英語のこと、イギリスのことなどを書いていきます。

Itoi Shigesato’s Earthbound

Hello everyone! It's Lee from Tea&Talk.


What was your hobby as a child? Was it reading comics? Maybe it was playing baseball with your friends. My hobbies were doing illustrations and playing video games.


In the early 90s, the Sega Mega Drive and Super Nintendo were very popular. A few years ago, I got a Super Nintendo Classic Mini. It's really neat! Check it out:



Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

There are twenty games pre-installed on the system, including classics such as Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country. But the game that stands out for me is Itoi Shigesato's Earthbound, known as Mother 2 in Japan.


Itoi Shigesato is not famous in the UK, and his games are not well known. However, within the video game community, he has a large following. Some say his games are cult classics!


If you're interested in games, I recommend checking out Earthbound, and if possible, playing the English version. It's full of pop references and jokes, and you might be able to pick up some useful phrases.




The sequel to Earthbound (Mother 3 in Japan) was never released in English. I hope Nintendo decide to release it in English one day.


Anyway, thanks for reading this blog!


See you again,









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