仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

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【MOVIE】Midnight in Paris (ミッドナイト イン パリ)

Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talk(ティーアンドトーク)です!


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「Midnight in Paris (ミッドナイト イン パリ)」

Midnight in Paris Wallpapers - Top Free Midnight in Paris ...

ハリウッドの脚本家ギルは、婚約者とその両親(お金持ちで保守的)と共にパリを訪れます。 ギルとその両親はあまり打ち解けてなく、一緒に過ごす時間もギクシャク...。ひとりパリの街中を歩いていたギルは、0時の鐘と共に現れた車に乗せられ、導かれた先は1920年代のパリ!ヘミングウェイからフィッツジェラルド、ダリにピカソまで歴史上の人物たちがギルの前に現れます...。


'Midnight in Paris' is one of my favourite movies.

It's a comedy written and directed by Woody Allen.  

Gil, who is a director, visits Paris with his fiancé and her parents. He hasn't been getting along with her parents so they feel uncomfortable to spend time together. While taking a walk around Paris by himself, he is lead to a car which shows up when a clock rings at midnight, and takes him to the 1920s! Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Dali and Picasso all start to appear in front of him...! 






Enjoy time travelling! 






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