仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

Welcome to our blog! 仙台・大町にあるイギリス人オーナーの小さな英会話スクールです。スクールのこと、英語のこと、イギリスのことなどを書いていきます。


Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talk(ティーアンドトーク)です!


Do you like the Harry Potter series? We do! 

Now you can get Harry Potter themed drinks and sweets from Tully's Coffee!


We've had the Exploding Bonbons Milk Tea, Hogwarts Halloween Pumpkin Tart and Hogwarts Christmas Berry Trifle Cake. They were all tasty and the milk tea especially was lots of fun because the candy on the tea pops in the mouth, which made the sound パチパチ. It was a bit funny because the staff at the coffee shop said to me, "please be careful of the candy because it pops!" We were thrilled😆


They still have another drink and some more sweets from Harry Potter, so we are thinking of going back again to enjoy them! 

- Sayuri


Harry Potter | TULLY'S COFFEE - タリーズコーヒー





仙台の小さな英会話スクール | Tea&Talk | 青葉区大町

LINE  @dmd4883c をID検索!

✉︎ teatalksendai@gmail.com