仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

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【英語日記】Next in Fashion

Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talk(ティーアンドトーク)です!






Next In Fashion Competition Series | Official Trailer | Netflix


I like to watch Netflix when I have free time. It has an original reality show, Next in Fashion. In the show, designers from around the world make original fashion following themes and compete to win. At the beginning, the designers were divided into pairs, so they had to collaborate on their ideas and skill with their partners. When it turned to 8 applicants left, they were asked to work individually. Thats when I started to see the differences between the designers who had been winning through and the others who had to leave. The latter tended to make excuses for mistakes, blame their partners and be unable to control their emotions. Some of them couldnt even accept the judges opinions. In comparison, the former, totally opposite, looked able to control their emotions under pressure and also truly enjoy designing in their own way. I thought that seeing humanity is the interesting point of reality shows.



following themes テーマ(複数形)に沿って

applicants 候補者、申込者

The latter 後者、後半の

the former 前者、前半の














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