Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talk(ティーアンドトーク)です!
不定期でSayuriのWhat’s New?🙋🏻♀️を書いていこうかなあと考えています。
レッスンで皆さんが毎回聞かれるWhat’s new?のヒントにして頂ければ幸いです!
It’s Saturday again! Time goes by so fast! These days, Saturday equals Paddington for me because I’ve been watching the Paddington animated TV series with my son. Of course, he is too young to understand the stories and concentrate on the TV, but he’s happy to see Paddington. He says ‘pa, pa, pa’ when he sees it!
Now, we can watch the series on NHK Eテレ every Saturday at 6:25pm. You can watch it in English with the foreign-language sub-audio.
Thank you all for coming to Tea & Talk this week. See you next week!
Eテレ 毎週土曜 午後6時25分
LINE @dmd4883c をID検索!
☎︎ 090-2974-8871
✉︎ teatalksendai@gmail.com