What day is it today?
Hello Sendai! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talkです。
How are you, everyone?
Do you know what day today is?
It's Mother’s Day in the UK!
In the UK, Mother’s Day is in March. It’s commonly known as Mother’s Day, but its official name is Mothering Sunday.
In the past, Mothering Sunday was a day for people to return to their mother church, which is the primary church in their type of Christianity. Nowadays, it is also a day to pay respect to one’s mother, much in the same way as the American version of Mother’s Day in May.
In the past 昔に
A is a day for 〜 Aは〜のための日です
mother church 母教会(本山となる教会)
primary 最初の、基本の
in the same way as 同様にして
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