仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

Welcome to our blog! 仙台・大町にあるイギリス人オーナーの小さな英会話スクールです。スクールのこと、英語のこと、イギリスのことなどを書いていきます。

Lee's home time!

Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talkです。



Hi, everyone! It's Lee. How are you doing?


First of all, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has started to use Skype for our group lessons, and also to those who have been waiting for our usual lessons to restart! Sayuri and I are looking forward to seeing you all in our usual lessons at the school soon!


usual いつもの

looking forward to 〜を楽しみにしている


By the way, what's new with you? 


I've stopped going out for non-essential stuff, so I've been spending most of my time at home.  I'm kind of into making sweets at the moment! I've made apple crumble and strawberry tarts so far. 


non-essential stuff 不要不急のもの

kind of ちょっと(少し、だいたい)

I'm into〜 私は〜にハマっている(熱中している)

so far これまで




I'm not very good at baking, but I enjoy it. I find that if I stop cooking or baking for a while, I lose my touch a little. So, even when all this corona craziness is over, I should keep up with baking and cooking.


craziness crazyの名詞

even 〜でさえ(も)

keep up with ついていく


We don't really know when the world will return to normality. As Paul McCartney once said, it's a drag.


normality 正常

a drag うんざりするようなもの(こと)


If you're thinking of practicing your English in April, please consider coming to our Skype lessons. We'd be very happy to see you online.


consider 検討する


I hope you're all keeping well, and keeping your minds active.


See you soon,



