仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

Welcome to our blog! 仙台・大町にあるイギリス人オーナーの小さな英会話スクールです。スクールのこと、英語のこと、イギリスのことなどを書いていきます。

【MOVIE】Knives Out (ナイブズ・アウト)

Hello! 仙台・大町の英会話スクールTea&Talkです


先日、映画鑑賞チケットをプレゼントして頂いたので、早速「Knives Out(ナイブズアウト)」というミステリー映画を観てきました。



Rotten tomatoes(映画批評サイト)を始めとするレビューもとても良かったので楽しみにして行ったのですが、期待以上にvery interestingでした!We enjoyed it so much! 
















⑴First of all, does "Knives Out" have a message?

- There seems to be a strong message in this movie that sometimes people act unkindly and selfishly to others, especially when money is on the line. The title has a double meaning, one being the murder weapon, and the other being that the family start to attack each other verbally. I guess there's a third meaning, too! Betrayal.


⑵What were the interesting points of the movie?

- I thought it was interesting how quickly the family turn on the nurse, Marta, after they realise that she will inherit their father's money, even though they keep claiming to care for her.  Also, Daniel Craig's southern American accent was incredible. It took my mind a few moments to accept that 007 was speaking with this entirely different voice.


⑶Who was your favourite character?

- I thought the police lieutenant and his trooper were a funny combination, and of course I liked the character of Benoit Blanc. However, Marta's 'regurgitative reaction to mistruthing' made her characer unique.


⑷Do you think it's difficult for British people to speak in a southern American accent? (Daniel Craig is an English actor as everyone knows!)

- I think that's a really tricky accent to do! I can't do it well... but I want to! Most British people would probably do a standard north American accent when mimicking someone from the USA. I think it shows how talented Craig is as an actor. For some reason, there are some British actors and actresses who are really good at doing American accents.


⑸Were you interested in any of the movie's subplots?

- Yes, I was interested in the 'game' that the grandfather and his daughter play to send each other messages. But I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I won't say any more.


 Thanks, Lee! 





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 *スマートフォンタブレットからご覧の方はLINEから@dmd4883c (当スクールのLINEアカウントです)を検索し、友だちへ追加してください。
