仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

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Hello, Sendai! It's Lee from Tea&Talk.


It's getting cooler in Sendai, isn't it? I like this kind of weather.  I've been having a little bit of an allergic reaction to something, though. Perhaps it's the pollen.


By the way, have you ever heard of crumpets? Crumpets are a kind of bread which are eaten in the UK. We eat them in the morning, at lunch, or as a snack! They're like English muffins, but are chewier and have lots of holes in them!


I like to eat them buttered with a cuppa!


I've been living here for over 5 years now, but I couldn't find them anyway in Sendai. Even if I tried to bring them back from the UK when I visited, their "best before dates" are very short!

So, good news for me! Seijo-Ishii(成城石井) started to sell crumpets! 


There are 4 crumpets in a pack. You can eat them with butter, jam, honey or anything you like! My mum recommended that we put cheese on them.

Hopefully they'll stay in Sendai as long as they can! But in case they don't stick around, I guess we should go and get them a lot ;)



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 *スマートフォンタブレットからご覧の方はLINEから@dmd4883c (当スクールのLINEアカウントです)を検索し、友だちへ追加してください。
