仙台の小さな英会話スクールTea&Talk’s blog

Welcome to our blog! 仙台・大町にあるイギリス人オーナーの小さな英会話スクールです。スクールのこと、英語のこと、イギリスのことなどを書いていきます。

Halloween Memories

When I was a child, there were many families with children living on my road. On Halloween, the kids would go door to door and say, ‘trick or treat!’ to whoever opened.


My mother would usually buy a large bag of sweets in preparation, and most of them would be gone by the end of the night. My brother and I would eat whatever was left over.


I noticed that the number of trick-or-treaters seemed fewer and fewer with each passing year, until one Halloween when none came at all.


Maybe Halloween isn’t popular anymore, I thought. But then I realised what had happened. The children had grown up, and no new kids had moved to my neighbourhood.


A long time has passed since then, and I wonder if any new families have moved into my road. Maybe my parents will have trick-or-treaters visit them this year. I’m sure my father hopes not.
